15 way to hack Facebook and how to protect 2017

In this article I am going to tell you some mostly used and the easy top 5 methods which hackers can use to hack your Facebook accounts and other socials site like Google Plus and how can you protect yourself from these attacks.

ways to hack facebook account 2017
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Since Facebook is a colossal and the mostly used social site in the world, So it has many vulnerabilities. There are many kinds of methods on the internet to Hack the accounts of Facebook. If you are also a Facebook users, then it is critical for you to know that how can be your Facebook account hacked and how can you protect yourself from these methods. There is not a single way to hack the Facebook account; in fact, there are more then 15 methods on the internet which hackers can use to hack your Facebook account. Here I am going to tell you about some mostly used methods from which your Facebook account can be hacked and also going to tell you how can you protect yourself from these methods.

Top 5 Ways To Hack Facebook Account in 2017 That Hackers Usually Uses:

Here I will describe some mostly used methods which hackers can use to hack your or someone’s else Facebook account in 2017:-

1. Phishing Method To Hack Facebook:

Phishing is the No. 1st method used for hacking the Facebook and other social sites. The home page of the Facebook is designed so that if we make a little change in that and alter the URL of the action element of the Login page and send that page through a link to our friends when they type email and password that will be saved in your web hosting site.

How Can I Protect My Facebook Account From Phishing Attacks

Since Phishing is a good method to hack Facebook quickly especially for the beginners that’s why it is also very popular and has been used for hacking many Facebook accounts, Facebook has already blocked many hosting sites which can be used to Hack the Facebook Account through Phishing, however there are many hosing sites that are not blocked if you get any kind of link from your friends and which asks you to login to the Facebook then first look at the URL it must be started from facebook.com if that is like this then you can login if that is not of this kind then never login to such URLs.

2. Key logger Method To Hack Facebook:

Key logger is also one of the mostly used method to hack into the Facebook accounts, in this method the Hacker creates a little program and make you to install that on your computer when you type any thing at any where that is sent to the hacker through that program, the Program always works as hidden. This kind of attacks can hack all kind of accounts of users of a particular computer where key logger is installed and are very dangerous.

How To Protect Your Self From Key Loggers:

Since Key Loggers are the small programs and are not detected after installing how ever they can be detected before installing, there are many kinds of antiviruses available on the Google you can download any free antivirus and can use that for security your computer from the key loggers, more ever you should not install any app either on your computer or on any other device from a non-recognized publisher.

3. Tab Napping Method To Hack Facebook

Tab napping is an easy method to hack the Facebook accounts in this way, the hacker send a link to its victim usually open a video, a game or any thing else in which user is interested mostly a game is sent when victim clicks on the link the game starts playing, after a little time the game show login to continue when the victim enters the email and password that is saved to the hacker in a file, and he easily gets access to the victim’s account.

How to protect yourself from Tab Napping

The process of tab napping is described above, if some URLs asks you for login then first look at the URL type if the URL is facebook.com then you can login otherwise never login another method to check a tab napping page is to enter wrong details when it ask for email and password if it starts after the wrong details then the page if fake other wise that is original, but in my view there is no any Facebook app or game which asks for login to continue.

4. Man In Middle Attacks Method To Hack Facebook

A man in middle attack can only be completed on that time when the victim and the hacker are on the same network, in this method the hacker make his victim use a HTTP connection in place of using a https connection and simply views all the details transferred between the victim and the server that also includes the emails and passwords.

How to protect yourself from Man in middle attacks:

As I have already described that Man in Middle attack can only be accomplish only that time when the victim and the hacker are on the same network so you just need to use https instead of http while login to your accounts, usually every social site uses the https for login be when you go to login then first check either the login I http or https. By this you can never be hacked which Man in Middle Attacks.

5. USB Hacking Method To Hack Facebook

USB hacking is also a very simple and easy method to hack into the Facebook account it can only be accomplished when the hacker has a physical access to your computer. As most of us saves the password in our browser the hacker creates a simple program in his USB and plus the USB in our computer when USB is open the program runs and all the saved passwords are saved in the USB, the hacker unplugs the USB and attack to his computer and can easily see all the passwords.

How to protect yourself from USB Hacking:

Since USB hacking can only be accomplished when a hacker has physical access to your computer, first you just let those people’s use your computer on which you can trust second never use you account on any public computers by this you can protect yourself from hacking.

So, this was all about How Hackers Can Hack Facebook Accounts Easily In 2017. By this article, you will be sure about some mostly used methods of hacking Facebook and other social sites like Facebook and by the tips given at the bottom of every way to protect yourself from being hacked. I hope you have enjoyed the process and are now able to protect your Facebook account from hacking. If you have questions, then feel free to ask me.


  1. Great post! amazing your posts. I hope you can post more helpful articles. I found a website that we can hack any our friends facebook account within minutes. Check out below link:



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